Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Peace Man

It's time for another true peace movement. I was born just before the last big one and I'm 43 years old now...that's a super long time. Since the only thing I can control is myself (and I have enough fun trying to do that) I'm going to really work on being my own personal ambassador of peace. I will shun violence hopefully no matter what. I've been watching 'John Adams' again after Jena gave it to me on Blu-ray for Christmas and I just love the tone of Thomas Jefferson, how nothing seems to phase him and he's able to stay in control of his emotions. I want to be an example of peace and spread it's message whenever it's possible. In the land of apathy, cynicism, and outright hate, this is going to be tough, but I'll give it a try and see what I can do.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the peace and love hippies (the ones that STARTED the movement) had it a little easier because there was no digital leash, big brother didn't watch you through the intertoobz while you slept, the cost of living was lower (with relation to income). Further, they were all about free love and self-medication which, I'm sure, made it easier to be apathetic in the face of anger.

    Also, there WERE some people that were violent at "peace" rallies. What about if you chose a combination of ghandi, the dalai lama, and Jefferson Airplane and emulated that amalgam-man. ^_-


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