Friday, February 12, 2010

The Land of Retards

This story is so retarded it hurts...oh wait, I better not type that since I may have the Palin goon squad hunt me down. A few weeks back a story revealed that Obama's top advisor, Ram Emanuell, used the term 'fuckin' retards' to describe some liberals that were bitching about some Obama policies they didn't like. Palin saw the story and immediately put out a statement on Facebook saying that he should resign or be fired by Obama for his insensivity (she has a child with Down's Syndrome). First I laughed since I figured she probably felt the same way about liberals and this just looked like someone trying to get someone else fired quickly. Personally, I use the term all the time but I'm not saying someone has Down's Syndrome no more than when I used to say everyone was fag this or fag that back in the early 80's and meant they were homosexuals. Both can be nasty terms if used the wrong way, but when I use them they are really being used as if I was just saying someone's an asshole and not really specific, just not using the word asshole. Still, if she were so offended by this word then how come not long after when she was asked about Rush Limbaugh's constant use of the word actually defended him saying he was using it satirically but Emanuell was not? This is complete and utter bullshit. If she really hates the word then she should not want to hear it from anyone and if she doesn't care if Limbaugh says it then shouldn't say shit about Emanuell saying it. Unfortunately no one corners her in that way and puts it in that context. Nice going 'news' networks.

1 comment:

  1. I love the FCC, 'cuz there's something wrong with me... Just another pathetic attempt to curb someone's free speech. Someone who is mentally handicapped is completely different from someone who is willfully ignorant. The former is retarded literally the latter is retarded proverbially. So, get it straight, retards! ^_-


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